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Why do I need a Health Risk Assessment?

The various lifestyles we lead today often threaten our long-term health. Habits and behaviors such as poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise, ignoring to wear seat belts are among the common factors that bring an individual to high risks of premature death or getting ill. However, knowledge of the presence of these risks does not always make a change in behavior, people are not aware of which risks need urgent attention.

Undergoing health risk assessments can reduce risks by health education. It primarily motivates and sustains health behavioral changes to improve the population’s health and productivity hence cutting on health care costs.

A health risk assessment is a short set of questions that will educate you about your health risks.

Upon completion of the questionnaire, a customized health report will suggest changes that you may want to undergo to improve your health. Questions ask your health habits about physical activity, UV exposure, chronic conditions, alcohol consumption, biometric measures and others.

I can't tell you how important it is to know where you stand with your health, many people decline to get routine checkups and or screenings and end up finding out too late about their health issues! Maybe you are one of those people who do get checkups every year, but there are things you feel you need to change and just don't know how.

I will help you determine your needs, your goals, and work with you one on one, to get your health where you want to be. Maybe you want to improve balance and coordination, maybe you want to build more muscle and lose fat, maybe you just want to train for that half marathon? Or it could be possible you have been dealing with chronic fatigue and pain? Whatever your wellness needs are COME SEE ME TODAY !

I promise you will not regret taking this step to become a better you. No matter where you stand with your health there is always room for improvement! Let me help you!

Get your Risk Assessment and Plan NOW! DON"T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE!

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