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My  —  




Certified Exercise Physiologist - ACSM

Exercise is Medicine Specialist - ACSM

B.S. Kinesiology and Health

International Association of Wellness Professionals 

I believe there is no such thing as a "one size fits all" approach to health and wellness. Each person is unique and has unique needs. In order to become healthy one must have the interest in making a change. Once that interest has sparked I am here to guide you through the rest. Every plan and every guide will be tailored specifically to you, with your input and needs/wants at the forefront of the planning process. 


I believe wellness is an active process of becoming more aware and making choices to a more successful existence. Process  means improvement is always possible. Becoming Aware means that we are continuously seeking information on how we can improve. Choices mean that we consider a variety of options and select those that are in our best interest. Success is determined by each individual to be their own collection of life accomplishments.  


"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today"

  Amanda Langmade  


Better Health Through

Better Living

Learn, Practice, Succeed

Learn, Practice, Succeed

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One step closer to a healthier you

Biometric Screening

Measure your height, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, and body fat. These values are important in determining your risk for chronic preventable diseases such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Stroke, and more.

Health Coaching

One on One 30 minute coaching session.  Consultations to help guide you to better living through better health. questions concerns, barriers, challenges, and successes will be discussed .

Exercise Planning

An Exercise Plan tailored uniquely to you based of your goals. From gaining strength after a surgery, to increasing range of motion, building strength, to weight loss, to just becoming physically active.

Full Health Risk Assessment

This portfolio will include data obtained from the biometric screening, interpretation of your results, risk analysis, and plan for eliminating and/or reducing your risk of obtaining chronic disease. 


Contact Me  |  Tel: 515.250.7103

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